Tarot and Travel

So some of you may already know that I have been accepted into flight attendant training starting next month!  This will be my third time as a flight attendant, even then I’m still a bit nervous as these classes are tough!  (For good reason!)  I can’t wait to bring my cards on the go with me, even if I can’t use them a lot, they are sure a comfort to have!

So what is a Tarot Reader to do when traveling is now on the menu?  That is a good question!  I’m going to go over some tips and tricks, and perhaps even ramble a little about my experiences and what I plan to do in the coming months!


Tips for the Traveling Tarot Reader:

  • Never underestimate the power of a pocket-sized deck!  Currently pictured is the Tarot of Pagan Cats mini!  This was my second deck ever, and I purchased it just for the reasons of flying and traveling.  This baby has done mini readings on tray tables, hotel rooms, and even a napkin on my lap while waiting to deplane.
  • Reading cloths are a must!  Hotel rooms can be pretty gross, no matter how much they are cleaned.  A good cloth will create a sacred space for you to do your work and put you in the mindset of the reading.  I’m still looking for that perfect cloth, so I’ve been using pretty pink cheap microfiber cloths from CVS.  They still get the job done!
  • Use protection!  By that I mean, have a good box or bag to keep your cards in so that they don’t get destroyed in transit!  Whether you keep them in your purse, carry on, or in your checked bag, you want to make sure they are safe and secure always!  I keep mine in cozy bags and nestle them just right in my bag so that they don’t move around too much.
  • Bring some shinies along!  So you have your tarot cloth all laid out and your deck sitting, waiting to be used.  Yet, you’re not feeling “in the zone” yet.  Bring some things from home that you like to keep with you during reading, including crystals and jewelry.  Flameless tealights are travel-sized and hotel-friendly!
  • Don’t bring the whole collection!  Save some room in your luggage for things you actually need!  “But I NEED all my cards!” I know, I understand that feeling too.  But do you really want to cart around pounds of cards when you need more toiletries or clothes?  Travel light and…
  • Keep your most treasured decks with you!  Checking luggage can be scary for some, as things can happen.  Bags get lost, and may even get looked through in some cases.  Do you really want your decks to be victim to that?  Try to bring your favorites, hopefully you limited them to a top two or three, with you on the plane in your carry-on’s.

Hopefully these tips will prepare you for an easy flight and a fun vacation.  Enjoy!

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