In this Vlog, I discuss what Free Will is and what it means as far as Readings go.
Little Fang’s Thoughts
Action is Everything
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately: Thinking about my business, my method, my ideal readings and clients, and I realized something that was very very important to me. Action. On the side, I have been doing small pulls for clients on a web app, and I realized that everybody wants to know
Assistance from an Animal Spirit Guide
How can getting a reading to know your Animal Spirit Guide and discover their messages help you in your day to day life? When you have a bond or a connection to a particular Animal Spirit, you can find they will help you out in your day to day life. Deer reminds me to be gentle
10 Questions to Ask Your Reader
I enjoy reading Benebell Wen’s blog for all her deep insight and information. There was one post where she went into a list of questions asked by James Bulls in which he recommends all clients seeking a reader to ask of them. I loved reading her answers, and I felt I should share my own for
#IBelieveInTarot – Tarot Rebels Blog Hop
Belief has become a very important part of who I am. Belief in what I do, belief in myself, belief in my own abilities, it goes on and on. Tom Benjamin tasked us with this tag to write about. I’m not so sure how to write about it. I’ll do my best. The pictured deck is my